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The Center

The Cologne Center for Advanced Studies in International History and Law (CHL) is a central research institution at the University of Cologne. It functions as institutional umbrella for the close cooperation between Prof.‘ Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Angelika Nußberger (Academy for European Human Rights Protection), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Claus Kreß (Institute for International Peace and Security Law) and Prof. Dr. Fabian Klose (Chair for International History and Historical Peace and Conflict Research).


Interdisciplinary Cooperation between International Law and International History

The CHL strengthens and advances interdisciplinary cooperation between the academic disciplines of international law and international history at the University of Cologne. Funded by the Alfred Landecker Foundation, the CHL supports the further and dynamic development of this close collaboration. Working hand in hand with the Institute for International Peace and Security Law, the CHL is connected with the Hans Kelsen Visiting Professorship for the History and Theory of International Law for renowned international scholars working on this field.



First, the CHL aims at advancing international and interdisciplinary transfers of knowledge. Second, under its umbrella the cooperation between the disciplines of international history and international law will be strengthened. Third, the CHL wants to make a contribution to the public discourse beyond the narrower academic debate. Finally, its goal is to promote and support younger scholars in a structured setting.  


Fellowships at the Colleg Konrad Adenauer

The Colleg Konrad Adenauer, funded by the Alfred Landecker Foundation, functions as a central pillar of the CHL. It serves as venue for international academic dialogue and knowledge brokering at the intersection of international law and international history. Under its roof, renowned international scholars in this field are our guests in Cologne, working on topics such as human rights, humanitarianism, humanitarian international law, international criminal jurisdiction as well as on fundamental questions regarding war and peace. Every year two senior fellows and two junior fellows are appointed at the Colleg Konrad Adenauer to conduct their research during the term in Cologne. In the course of their stay, they will also enrich the academic discourse within the university as well as the dialogue with the broader public in Cologne.